
Healthcare Frame of Mind: Q&A with industry veteran Dan Henroid, MS, RD, UCSF Health

By Kent Hamaker posted 08-03-2018 11:23


Stiff competition. The need to raise revenues while lowering expenses. Provide quality, customizable menus. Integrate technology. Meet customer demands for speed of service. Healthcare foodservice has a list of challenges that measures a mile long and then some.

In a sweeping interview, Dan Henroid, MS, RD, director, Nutrition and Food Services, and sustainability officer, UCSF Health, San Francisco, addresses all of these issues and more as he looks at the state of healthcare foodservice.

FE&S: What trends are shaping today’s healthcare foodservice landscape?

DH: The trends reflect amenity-centered care like those offered in hotels. This trend reflects a desire to better meet customer expectations, particularly the younger generations. Foodservice and other services such as gift shops are amenities, and people have to get to us. This is particularly important when we have competition across the street ... we want to bring people in and don’t want them to leave.

Read more HERE.

