
AHF Welcomes Students to Join

AHF invites active students to participate in the Association as a valued student member.  AHF offers insights into the healthcare foodservice industry, shares best practices and lessons learned, as well as provides pathways to build future leaders! Join today to learn more about the leadership and networking opportunities AHF has to offer. The connections and relationships you make are invaluable!

Take the first step by joining AHF, for free! Participate in the online educational offerings, access the publications and resources, and connect with peers and mentors locally or across the nation. 

Eligibility: Students who are currently enrolled in an accredited foodservice, dietetics, nutrition, or hospitality program 
Cost to join: Free

AHF  offers the following benefits to students:

checkmark.jpg Educational webinars (both live and recorded) - Access the webinar library 24/7
Robust online community and membership directory
Networking opportunities at the Annual Conference & Marketplace

Free AHF Conference registration ($700 Value) 
Spend 3-days learning from the industry's best and strengthening your leadership skills in the healthcare foodservice industry!

Internship opportunities from AHF National or Local chapters across the nation

Subscription to AHF Publications -- S.O. Connected, S.O. in the Know, Self-Op Weekly Bites


Additional resources provided by affiliated organizations such as the American Culinary Federation (ACF)

Join Now