Self-Op Support (SOS) Team

AHF Self-Operator Support Team

Self-Op_Logo.jpgAHF's Self-Operated Project Team is a committee designated by the AHF Board of Directors created to support and add value to the self-operated foodservice community in each industry segments to include acute care, health systems, and senior dining. The committee's underlying mission is to support, encourage, and engage facilities to be self-operated or stay self-operated. Scenarios where the committee lends support include, but may not be limited to:

  1. Provide resources to facilities that are currently self-operated, but must prove their value
  2. Support facilities that are exploring, or in the process of becoming, self-operated
  3. Offer community, support, and actionable information for newly minted self-operated facilities
Anyone encountering any of the issues or scenarios above should use the resources provided by this committee and feel free to contact the committee for added support. 

To access AHF's library of supportive documentation uniquely created for the self-op community please log in your AHF membership below. 

*Click "Login" above to access and download the documents below*

AHF Support Documents & Resources: 

  • After the Contractor: Supporting guides and information for newly self-operated facilities to help you get up and running efficiently as quickly as possible.
  • AHF Patient Engagement Checklist: New Self-Op Foodservice Directors can use this document to help plan your engagement plan, including a management schedule.
  • AHF Retail Checklist: New Self-Op Foodservice Directors looking to get their retail programs running smoothly. 
  • Making an Informed Decision: For facilities and Self-Op Foodservice Directors being threatened by a contractor. Plan your response and presentation to combat their attack. 
  • Comparing Contract and Self-Operated Foodservice:  Protect your team and your facility from attacks by contract firms. 
  • Fast Contractors Facts: Quick facts to help protect yourself against a contractor pursuit. 

Rapid Response Team

If you are a self-operated facility in immediate threat by a Contract company or encountering an urgent issue, we urge you to reach out to our Rapid Response Team. The Rapid Response Team is made up of current AHF leaders and operators who can lend support to individuals in urgent need. Urgent may be different for each facility or team, so please feel free to reach out and we can help assess what resources and tools you may need. All members are welcome to contact our Rapid Response Team. Non-Members looking to, or interested in, becoming self-operated facilities can utilize the resources of our Rapid Response Team. 

Response takes 6 easy steps: 

To contact the Rapid Response Team for support, please submit a request below and then complete our intake form to provide us with some basic details. 

Submit a Support Request

Complete the Intake Form

Consultant Partner Assistant Program (CPAP's)

When an AHF member or a member of the self-operated community needs assistance which requires specific experience, resources, or just another helping hand, AHF's SOS Team will pass the individual along for a complimentary conversation with one of our consultant partners. These consultants specialize in providing support in these instances and provide 60-90 minutes of free support. If the individual needs more support beyond that they can either continue working with the SOS team or decide to work with the consultant for a fee. Either way, AHF will work to get you the support needed to protect your operation.

Confidentiality: Your information and issue are secure and confidential at all times and our consultant's sign agreements to participate in our program to protect you when you reach out to our SOS team.

AHF's Consultant Partners

  • Donald Miller & Associates (DM&A)
  • Rippe Associates
  • Ruck Shockey Associates (RSA)